
Bone! Well what can be said about this lovable little, well, Bone!

Bone is a comic series by Jeff Smith. The lovable little character, along with his cousins are taken on an adventure that is down right dangerous, all becasue of Phoney Bone's habbit of getting thrown out of their home town, Boneville.

After getting terribly lost in a desert, Smiley finds a map which leands our caracters into a plague of locusts, and into a valley of luciousness. The valley is full of dangers, and friends. Combined with the somewhat sudden onset of Winter (and the winter snows), our three lovable 'bones' get trapped in the valley, completely seperated by the plague of locusts.

Spending the winter alone, they find each other again at the onset of spring, along with Grandma Ben, and her speedy racing cows.

The bones however arn't alone. Somewhere along the way the 'great red dragon' takes them udner his proverbial wing, and protects them somewhat from the evil 'Rat Monstors'.

Why does the dragon protect them? Will the Bone's get home? Well! You're just going to have to read the books :þ

Below is some cover art of the 5 volumes of which I have. These are delightfully present books, and are very nice to read.

Stupid, Stupid Rat-tails
Book 1: Out From The Boneyard Book 2: The Great Cow Race
Book 3: Eyes Of The Storm
Book 4: The Dragonslayer Book 5: Rock Jaw
Master Of The Eastern Border
Book 6: Old Man's Cave
Book 7: Ghost Circles

Bone have their very own web page. It's on line at Feel free to drop on by.